Wednesday, March 10, 2010


NO. I am not pregnant.

Sorry I had to start my post with those words, because I know some of the folks that read my blog and simply by creating the title as I have, the question or insinuation will occur. Trust me. So I set the records straight from the start of the post. Now onto actually writing what I want to verbally vomit about.

Parenthood is the title of a new TV show on NBC... we are only two episodes in and I'm pretty sure that I'm hooked. Like we need another show to watch, but I love it so far. Cracks me up, makes me smile, relate, empathize, etc. The characters are awesome and the dynamic of the entire family is a hoot.

Here is what you have going on in the dynamic of the show if you're interested. Characters are below... you have a mom & dad (Zeek & Camille Braverman) with four adult child: 2 girls and 2 boys. One boy, Crosby is the slacker, still trying to put his life together, figure out what he wants to do, who he wants to be with, does he ever want to settle down? The second boy, Adam is the guy that seems to have it all together, a family of his own with a beautiful wife (Kristina) and two children (girl, Haddie and boy, Max). There is a dynamic to his own family all on its own - teenage daughter and younger son just diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome. You can tell Adam is the oldest of the bunch, he holds that first born stance in the family for sure. Then you have the daughter that is "I am woman, here me roar". Julia is a lawyer and even hyphenated her name with her husband's rather than taking his name completely. Her family extension is living out the over working mom life, along with trying to balance time with her daughter, Syndey and her hubby, Joel is Mr. Dad and seems to be left out of the mix with his wife at times. And the last, but not least daughter, Sarah is the child that married the wrong man and lost her way. The first episode begins with Sarah and her two children (Amber, girl and Drew, boy) moving back to Sarah's hometown to move in with her parents looking for a fresh start. And there you have the Braverman family... welcome to Parenthood.

Looking forward to the next episode.


Kelly said...

I watched the 1st episode and have the 2nd on Tivo. Still trying to evaluate if I am going to add it to the weekly rotation :)

Frank Bryant said...

Congratulations on your pregnacy! What's her name must be estatic! (I just skimmed the blog)

asconway said...

Love your 1st paragraph. It's called the married without kids curse.

Mr. McGoo said...

This show really makes me wanna have kids.... ;)

Mrs. B said...

You had me going...could've made it last longer :D I'm going to have to check this show out!