In July of 2008, my hubby asked me to start a blog. At first, I was very apprehensive and unsure as to what I'd write about, why anyone would read the words I typed, and what was the point of keeping up with a blog when no one read it anyone. Needless to say, I'm super glad that my better half pushed me into this direction. Pure therapy, I say. I have enjoyed blogging more than I probably should, and have thoroughly enjoyed the interactions it has created with some (yes, I have some) regular readers. What a fun habit.
In light of creating a blog, I realized that a blog title would be very important. A title seems to sum up what the blog is all about. For instance, The Cutest Blog on the Block is a blog dedicated to giving bloggers multiple format and decor options for their blogging. It makes senses. So, my hubby and I discussed title options. After some discussion, it occurred to my man that VERBAL VOMIT must be the title of choice. He reminded me that "verbal vomit" was a common phrase of my own, as I often admit to the fact that I just vomit out of the mouth on more occasions than not. Needless to say, a title was born. Since that time, we've had multiple subtitles, but Verbal Vomit has stood strong.
Ironically enough, the following definitions are given to the term, "verbal vomit":
According to the online Urban Dictionary there are two definitions to Verbal Vomit,
a. When any ones mouth runs like diarrhea with useless crap.In addition, the Unword Dictionary online states the definition of Verbal Vomit to be,
b. When a person says whatever comes to mind without thinking them through, specially when drunk.
(n.) Spontaneous comments that make no sense, have no point, or are completely off the subject.Looking at these definitions many moons AFTER my hubby and I created the blog title, this makes me laugh. I do not think we could have picked a better blog title. Fitting, isn't it?
About the Author:
Hi. I'm Mrs. McGoo. I'm a gal currently in my early thirties. I'm married to my best friend who loves Jesus and adores me. We have a new adventure together everyday. I'm not a mom, but I certainly take care of three boys (my husband and our two dogs) and advocate for the children of Ethiopia through The Forsaken Children org. I work full time in sales with a top tier safety manufacturer and go to nursing school at night and on the weekends. I consider myself to be a non typical girl, but know sometimes I can't get away from being all female. I love the Lord and am abundantly thankful for the work He daily does within me. I'm a constant work in progress and am so thankful for His GRACE.