Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Verbal Vomit!

On this day, one full year ago, 365 days prior to today, on the suggestion of my hubby, I posted my first entry on Verbal Vomit. Now, 199 (counting this one) posts later, we are celebrating Verbal Vomit's first birthday!


Since that time, I've confessed my HGtv addiction, proved that I'm a woman of good intentions but poor follow through on working out, expressed some of the truths the Lord has taught me along the way, tattled on my hubby about the funny things he does, posted pictures and more pictures and more pictures, and just let the verbal vomit flow. I hope this first year has been enjoyable for those that have started to read my blog either frequently or infrequently at times. I know I've enjoyed the journey so far and look forward to continuing.

Keep the comments coming, I love hearing from those of you that read this. Whether you agree with what I said, disagree, think I'm a dork, or whatever, I'd love to hear it and know you stopped by.


Elian said...

You're a dork... just playing. I enjoy it, especially the conversational pieces between you and Kelly.

Ashley C said...

You're so funny girl. I enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up.

UFrank said...

You inspired me to blog. I figured if that young girl can do it, so can I. Thanks.

Mr. McGoo said...

Congrats baby. Something told me you'd enjoy it. I'll say it for you....

"You were right Mr. McGoo, I do love blogging"

So I guess this makes me responsible for not only your blog but UFrank's blog as well. Hmm. Even trade I guess...he did inspire me to get those Bose speakers.
Now if I could just inspire him to like a good basketball team...

Kelsey said...
