Thursday, July 30, 2009

Captain Obvious

I'm looking forward to posting a three part series about our Bermuda vacation. With the scheduled 4 full days/5 night visit that turned into 6 full days/7 nights (that's thinking we'll actually make our flight tomorrow), there is lot to tell. I'll write about the island and our hosts, the daily adventures, and our great traveling partners along the way. That "series" is to come... but for now, here is a cute story that happened today.

The hubby and I, along with our traveling partners: our cousin Courtney and his two boys Nolan (11) and Colton (7), were all enjoying a good meal for lunch at The Pickled Onion in downtown Bermuda. There we sat at the table, waiting for our meal when my hubby said,
Hey boys, do you know what is different about everyone at this table and me?
Ps. The answer Kelly was looking for at this moment was that HE was not wearing a hat, the rest of us were...

The boys looked around for awhile, seeming to evaluate things about us all and look for the answer. Some silence passed for a quick bit... and then Colton replied,
You don't have any hair?!?!
The entire table cracked up, to which my hubby HAD to do the same, and then collected himself enough to say, THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS. We've all chuckled about that moment more than once throughout the rest of the day.


Kels said...

Colton sounds pretty smart. ;) I think me and him would get along..

Mrs. McGoo said...

Oh yeah, Kels - You'd have a BLAST with Colton! ha ha

Lisa Marie said...

I love it!!!