Besides me loving Easter for what it actually is, and all it means to my faith (Christ died for my sins and ROSE from the dead, thus conquering death and the grave! Therefore, in Him, and in Christ alone, I am washed white and seen perfect in God's sight... eternal life is mine because of the sacrifice the Lord made for me through the cross and the grave!), I am also a big fan of Easter for the fellowship it brings for my family and the yummy eats we get to eat.
This year was no different. Although I missed having my middle sis and brother in the law in the mix, I had a great time with the family today and good quality time with my hubby doing one of the crazy events that Easter brings - dying Easter eggs. Last night, the hubby and I broke open our
PAAS Egg Decorating Kit. We attempted to work our magic with the vinegar smelling dye and I had a blast doing it. Simple as it may, silly things like that are a great time together. I must say, my favorite egg is the turquoise one that has the white spots on it. I put some stickers on the egg before putting it in the dye, so once the egg came out and I tore the stickers off - - - white spots stood in it the sticker's place. Very nice. We didn't attempt to decorate them more than what the dye allowed, our pizza for the night had come out of the oven, so our bellies were ready to eat rather than mess more with the eggs and dye.

Today, after celebrating our Risen Lord at church, Kelly and I made our way to Mom &
Pop's to taste the
yumminess that is Mom's food and hangout with the family for the afternoon. We had a couple guests this go around, which hasn't been anything new for the Wilson household since I began college. Seems like every year since, Mom and Dad have been awesome at opening their house up to our friends during Easter. This year, Kelsey's roommate, Libby joined the family festivities, as did our buddy, Steve. Hopefully the enjoyed it all as much as we did.
After we filled our bellies will all the deliciousness of our lunch (man! I should have asked to take home some leftovers, they were
Mmmmm, good!), we all played a double elimination tournament of
Ladderball (or according to Libby, Hillbilly Golf is the name). Attempting to beat the rain that was heading our way, we ran to the backyard and got the game underway. Below are some pics of the event.

I think everyone got to play two games each: Kelsey played Libby (Libby won), Mom played Riser (Mom won), I played Daddy (Daddy won), Kelly had a bye, so he played the winner of Dad and I - Kelly played Dad (Dad won), Mom played Libby because they both won their first games (Libby won). In the loser's bracket: Kelsey played Riser (Kelsey won), I played Kelly (I WON!!!)...

... but once it started to rain pretty heavily, we all decided to
fore go the rain, lightning, thunder, and
ladderball, and instead make our way to the kitchen for some of Mom's yummy dessert options.
You can catch some shots of my competitive husband below - he wasn't happy that Dad beat him... I think he said something about Dad being warmed up and Kelly being "cold", and later even more "unhappy" when I beat him. Competitiveness... it's a healthy thing. Cracked everyone else up when the hubby and I played each other. Tension, I think that was the word the peanut gallery was using while they watched us battle it out before the rain came.

After Mom's super yummy desserts, we all parked ourselves on the couches to watch the Masters. Together we all cheered Tiger and Phil on from hole nine through 18, and seemed to jinx players left and right as so many of them missed shots we were just certain they'd make. For
Simeon that usually does not enjoy watching golf on TV, the last couple days of the Masters always seem to entertain me. Sooner or later, however, the desire for a nap became too strong and we headed home to catch some extra Sunday rainy afternoon
Thanks Mom for all the cooking and preparation that went into our Easter meal. It was
delish!!! We love you! Happy EASTER!