Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DQ Run!

A new Dairy Queen is located in a BP station just around the corner of our buddy's house... it's been advertised for awhile now. Each time I drive by it, I make a mental note that the DQ will soon be there.

Tonight we basked in the glory that is DQ. With our 50% off Citipass coupons in hand, we ordered and enjoyed the Dairy Queen greatness. I had a HUMONGOUS Chocolate Malt. Kelly had a Blizzard with Snickers and Reese's Cup. Steve and Erin Marie split another very large Blizzard with Snickers and Reese's Cup. Mmmm Mmmmm...

Riser took the DQ challenge and easily turned over his Blizzard without a single ounce dropping out. Kelly, however, did not have a Blizzard that could have been turned over. It would have spilled all over the floor, without a doubt. So, as we were waiting for my massive chocolate malt to arrive out of the gates, Kelly asked about the "turn over" challenge. The DQ staff agreed with him that the Blizzard should be able to be turned over and saw with ease that Kelly's would not pass the test. So, to the embarrassment of the man who's Blizzard was already thick, Kelly requested a new one. I'm pretty sure he believe the exchange was well worth it. With new Blizzard in hand, Kelly turned over the cup and watched as the thickness kept all the yumminess in place.

Ps. My hubby says that Ryan Guess would have been proud.

Mmm mmmm Good!


Anonymous said...

I bet the spit in it. uFrank

Brittany Schwaigert said...

OMG--we went too! Hilarious!

Unknown said...

I was soo goood!!!