Sunday, November 6, 2011

THANKFUL FOR Time with My Man

With our current work and school schedules, time with Mr. McGoo can be limited. This weekend, although it was in the middle of a many to dos, we were able to enjoy some time together Saturday and Sunday evenings.

Saturday we visited with friends to watch the Alabama vs. LSU football game. Good food, good company, good defensive football... we had a good time. It was nice to go do something social together.

Today after a long 5 hour kickball tournament journey - Go Underdogs - Mr. McGoo and I wrapped the night up with homemade dinner together and time vegging on the couch watching a few TV shows and going to bed early. Much needed for us both.

I am thankful for time with my man. I'm sure I'll be mushy and share a "thankful for my husband" post one day this month where I can brag on a few things I like about him. Until then, I'll just say that I'm blessed to spend time with him.

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