Wednesday, April 14, 2010

American Idol Weekly Results: Top 9 to 7

Due to the judges save last week, America said goodbye to not one, but TWO Idol contestants tonight. The competition went from the Top 9 to 7 contestants left to compete for the prize.

We first said goodbye to Andrew Garcia. Although he started his AI journey solid with an awesome remix of "Straight Up" by Paula Abul, Andrew never seemed to find his solid footing on the big Idol stage. It was no surprise to me this evening that he got the boot, best of luck of Andrew.

In addition, Idol said goodbye to the youngest female contestant of the bunch, Katie Stevens. Katie's departure will definitely make some changes in the AI Elimination Bracket Results as a few folks had her going all the way. Although Katie sang well this week, I believe America didn't buy into the song... I walked away feeling it was a little cheesy, even though the vocals were good. And then you have "vote for the worst" securing Tim Urban's spot, as well as him performing for the teenyboppers with a love song.

Before the elimination show, I had shared with a coworker that I figured Andrew, Aaron, and Katie would be on the chopping block - knowing Tim had secured a spot with his performance this week and the vote for the worst campaign. I was surprised to see Aaron saved quickly during the evening and Michael back into the bottom again - if Michael doesn't pick it up - a few more AI Elimination Bracket contestants might be in trouble. Only time will tell. I sure wish Tim was gone - he's not in the same league as the other folks, but so goes the vote from America, I guess.

Here are your weekly AI Elimination Bracket Results:

1st: Candace - 66 pts - C is in trouble after this week because Katie was her AI
2nd: Allison - 65 pts - Lee is Allison's AI pick
  • Josh - 64 pts
  • Mrs. McGoo - 64 pts
4th: Kelly - 63 pts - got the MOST pts this round - 18 pts which means 6 out 7 correct
  • Mr. McGoo - 60 pts
  • James - 60 pts - James had Katie as his AI choice
  • UFrank - 60 pts
  • Cindy - 60 pts
  • Leon - 59 pts
  • Alan - 59 pts
  • Julian - 55 pts
  • Riser - 55 pts

Highest possible points (perfect brackets) = 76 points


Elian said...

I haven't been watching idol this year. But I've read you banging on the Tim guy and figured it was justified. Being the huge Elvis fan I am I decided to watch it this week. From a one week viewing, Tim is the best thing on that show. I hated every other performance. That guy killed it.

I'm sure he sucks in other weeks. But if that one guy can get as far as he did on one Paula Abdul song, Tim bought himself a few more weeks.

Frank Bryant said...

For a guy that was eliminated, then got lucky after another contestant was disqualified, he is making the most of it. I find him as the most improved of all the contestants. If he has found his nitch (and he may have) he could make it to the top 3-4. I find myself rooting for this underdog.

Mrs. McGoo said...

I will concur with UFrank - Tim is getting better.

Elian - this season has not been full of rock stars, that's for sure. My favs at this point are Lee and Crystal. We shall see.

Mr. McGoo said...

I've got a steak dinner on Lee making it all the way.