Mom and Dad sent us a great Halloween gift. A box addressed to "Number one daughter and What's His Name" came to the house today. I'm obviously "number one daughter" because I was born the first of the three girls in my family, and Kelly is "What's His Name", which has been mom's nickname for him ever since she knew he would be around forever.
My hubby was nice enough to leave the box intact, unopened, waiting for me when I got home from work. I read the label, laughed and smiled, and began to open the happy from mom and pop. Turns out, we've been sent a great big metal canister of goodies. The metal tin is decorated in Halloween decorations with "Spooky Halloween" written on top... very cute.
I open the canister to see all the goodies, eeew'd & awww'd, and went to show my hubby what was all inside... and that's where that drama began.
Kelly quickly went to town to claim the items that he would get. I made sure to correct him that we would share it all... but he was adamant that he would get this, and that, and this, and I could have that, etc. I began my giggle, as I often do when he's in his comical state... and continued to correct him that we'd share it all.
"No, no, no.... here, you can pick first, you pick which one you want, and then we'll take turns," he attempted to compromise.
I laughed and didn't respond fully, not wanting to encourage him. ha ha. So he picked for me, "yeah, you take that one, the one your hand is on, that's yours. Okay, so I'll take this one."
I continued to laugh at him and said that I wouldn't pick like this, that we would share, but then I quickly remembered that he had already tried to claim the chocolate chip cookies in the batch before started the "picking" process. He, he, he. So I said, "okay, I'll pick that one!" - as I pointed to the box of cookies in the tin.
"uhhh, uhhh, no. It goes you pick, then I pick, then I pick, then you pick"
I lost it. Cracked up. He gave that smirk he gives when he knows he's being hilarious.
I tried to pull myself together - don't fall for his sillyness, come on, you can do it... and then the thought came to me... "honey, no... we are going to share all of this, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours... we share everything"
"Who says?"
"This!" - as I showed my left hand ring finger with both rings in place.
"Awwww, you've got to pull that one, don't ya"
I won. Ha!
Granted, my hubby is now asleep on the couch HUGGING the tin of goodies, apparently afraid that I'm going to dig in without him.
You think I'm joking?
Look below:
I now understand where you get your thoughtfulness - your Mommy! She likes to send happy things in the mail to people who only live 15 miles away, and YOU like to send happy things in the mail to people who only live 15 miles away :)
Really cute pic! LOL
Dude, she pulled the, "what's mine is yours" card?? I HATE THAT! When it comes to mowing the grass, that's mine. When it comes to sweets, that's hers.
Aww man, she did the ring thing too. Doesn't that just gut kick you? Cause you know you've been had. Argument over.
Thats a fun one! We got the same tin of goodies, but ours was adressed to "The Booleyweds" HAHA
Our parents are fun! :) Love you!
Is ok Elian...I've taken the stuff out that is mine and left her with the stuff that isn't good.
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