Monday, July 19, 2010

Sore Lady

Here we are again... days after the infamous Kickball League end of season Tournament and I'm beyond sore. The tourney started Saturday morning, with our team starting at 11am. From the moment we stepped on that field, we played until the championship game that ended around 4:30ish in the afternoon. Hello 5 hours of  extreme heat, humidity, a bit of running, lots of squatting, and you get one UNBELIEVABLY sore lady a few days later! 

You think I'm joking... Sunday morning when I went to go the bathroom, I realized just how badly I had treated my body and how badly it was about to get back at me... OUCH! Liquid Advil was taking around the clock and today, two days later I'm walking like I'm THREE times my age!

You would think I would learn...I do this to myself EVERY year... this is our  fifth or more season and therefore our fifth or more tournament and every year I find myself in pain following the full day activity. I once complained about it being pathetic in 2008, ... but the reality is, what do I expect?! I don't run anymore (I keep saying that I will, but until I do it regularly it's just words), and lots of my past muscle mass is non existent... and therefore before I know it 5 hours + of non stop kickball makes my body want to scream!

So I'll humbly say...
The Underdogs (our team) won the championship again this season, but I'm paying the price! Fun Stuff. Enjoy a few photos below of Mr. McGoo, me in the background, and our "coach" Carper at bat. I'll post a team Championship photo once I get my hands on one!


Frank Bryant said...

Is Kelly leading a cheer in the last picture?

Mr. McGoo said...

I was doing the macarena...thank you