Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So Mr. McGoo has mentioned in his blog (http://mrmcgoo.blogspot.com/2010/12/differences-walking-and-driving-in.html) that as farengies (foreigners) we get stared at quite often here in Ethiopia. However, Mr. McGoo tends to be looked at even more frequently than me and talked about too. Every Ethiopian seems to find a likeness in Mr. McGoo to a world renowned football athlete... Wayne Rooney. Everywhere we go, it is often said, "Rooney" when Mr. McGoo passes or is introduced to a new person.

For example, here are three recent examples:
  1. When visiting Lake Awassa with Nega (Onesimus Director) and his wife, Emu, we had the opportunity to meet one of Nega's younger brothers. As soon as we walked into the room for introductions, Nega's brother's first words were, "wow, Rooney!". ha ha. Hilarious.
  2. We walked to the grocery store/dinner Monday evening, on the way, as we passed some men sitting on the side of the road, one of the men pointed to Mr. McGoo, saying "Rooney!"
  3. While in the grocery store, as Mr. McGoo and I stood near the juice aisle that also sits next to the meat counter, the group of employees there (all men) began discussing something intently. Of course, I didn't have a clue what they were talking about because it was Amharic, but I understood one random word... "ROONEY", and to no surprise, when I turned around they were staring at my man.
So Mr. McGoo is not paranoid, people are looking and watching and for him, often comparing his likeness to Rooney - body type/build, lack of hair, white skin color, and partial facial hair. I think it's hilarious - Mr. McGoo isn't always laughing but he's a great sport!

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