Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 5 w/Jillian Michaels

I'm finding that posting how my days go with the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred routine is keeping me a bit more accountable. So please forgive the constant nature of such posts, but it's helping me out. I can tell.

Today was Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. We're now officially half way through the first interval of this workout (10 days each for 3 different intervals). Therefore, we've done the same workout every weekday morning since Wednesday, Jan. 6th. 20 minutes worth each time, and truly I think I'm already feeling a difference.

The alarm goes off... I push snooze for an extra 10 minute snuggle, and then up and adam to get the workout set up and underway. I think we've found a good routine and I'm looking forward to continuing it, one day at at time.

Bring on Day 6! 


Mr. McGoo said...

Who's Adam?

Frank Bryant said...

I think Adam is her imaginary friend she talks to when you are staring at Jillian.