Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 14 w/Jillian Michaels

Mondays are always the hardest workout day for me. The major reason for this is simple, it's M.O.N.D.A.Y - for some reason all things are a bit more difficult on a Monday because we have to reconcile the fact that the weekend has come to an official close. Additional, I do not do the same workout or have the same schedule during the weekend... sure my Saturdays actually look like every other day of the week due to getting up for school, but I take a day off for working out on Saturday mornings. Also on Sundays I actually "sleep in" until 8am or so before we get up for our Sunday School class and church service.

So Mondays are our day to get back into the routine... and for some reason the body fights that a bit more than any other day. But we did it... we completed Day 14th this morning, which was our 4th day of Jillian's Interval 2.

Tomorrow will be Day 15 - so we'll weigh in and update our results after we complete it. Bring it on.

In other news... I completed my first of many books I received for Christmas, When God Stood Up: A Christian Response to AIDS in Africa by James Cantelon. This book rocked me. I have underlined upon underlined material, starred upon starred... stuff making me ask myself, do I have action following my faith. Do I produce fruit? Do I help the least of these? How am I making a difference beyond just living life? These are great, soul searching inquiries. Inquiries that have continued to stay in my mind... the Holy Spirit whispering to me... and developing a yearning to do something within my heart. My next read is Jen Hatmaker's INTERRUPTED: An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith. I've heard great things about this book and how it too could rock my world. I am ready to be challenged, I am ready to be convicted. I do not want to be the same today as I was yesterday. I do not want to be the same tomorrow as I am today.


Robin Kee said...

You should read Half the Sky. It was my first book of my new year's resolution...(to read at least 1 book a month.) It is really convicting and powerful...a true challenge to try to change the world. I think I'm going to add your two books to my list. Love you, sis


Mrs. McGoo said...

Sis, that's a fab resolution... one book a month! Nice! Definitely add these two to your list. I'll have a few more suggestions as I read some of the others I got for Christmas. I'll make a note of yours to put it on the "to do's". Love you!