Monday, December 3, 2012


Somehow December has already come upon us and quickly the memories of Thanksgiving begin to fade. Crazy how that happens. Before we get too far into the Christmas season, I wanted to take a quick moment and say that Thanksgiving was great.

This year was different than ever before for Mr. and Mrs. McGoo. We did not travel this year... something that has not happened since I became "us". Due to Mr. McGoo's family moving and scattering all throughout the nation, this Thanksgiving we decided not to travel. A first for us. Instead of traveling, we enjoyed Thanksgiving here in Memphis.

I must say that I found the experience to be....

We definitely missed visiting with Mr. McGoo's family, but I forgot how much traveling can "take it out" of you. Not traveling gave Mr. McGoo and I some extra rest and relax time, as well as fun time with our furbabies. It was fun. I completely ignored school work and soaked up the time as much as possible. 

There are definitely photos from the long weekend that I could share, but I'm waiting for Mr. McGoo to write his own blog post about the events... they will be more entertaining from his perspective. He was there.

UPDATE: Mr. McGoo's Thanksgiving blog post - DEFINITELY worth checking out!